Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday Afternoon In The Universe

The week is coming to its end. I am sitting here at work just wanting to be elsewhere. An old buddy of mine and I are going to get together for lunch. I haven't seen him in quite a long time. He is the guy that I wrote about a few posts back about having some questions concerning his journey with God.

I have heard that it is decent outside, but I haven't been out yet. It was still pretty chilly when I got to work. I imagine I'll find out in a few minutes when I step out for a tar stick.

So what am I doing this weekend? I am helping my wife clean the house. I have been noticing little corners in the bathroom and kitchen that haven't been cleaned in a while and rather than blame it on her, I am going to take ownership of it. Yeah, that's right; I don't like the whole blame shifting thing in our house. I figure that if something is bothering me it isn't because she hasn't done it, but because I haven't. I like to assume my own personal responsibility in some of these matters because quite frankly my wife has enough on her plate as it is with the kids, laundry, making meals, taking care of herself. She just regularly has a lot on her plate.

I am also going to try and sneak in a movie or two. I am hoping to get started on watching Cannonball Run. That is a classic. I haven't watched it for probably about 20 years but it is about time that I do once again. We all miss Dom Delouise.

I am going to take this afternoon to scour the other bloggers out there and see what's going on.


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