In the land of the blind... it must be paradise

I like to think that I am just an average guy. I don't dress flashy, I don't like to spend a lot of money, and I like to just kind of mind my own business when I shop. In fact, I really hate shopping. I would rather do something else. But back to the normal guy thing...I am just a normal guy so I would like to think that perhaps I just kind of go unnoticed in an establishment such as this. But what I have begun to notice are not so much the weird-o's that I see in Wal-Mart as much as the people who don't look like they belong there. I mean, they drive a BMW, have clothes on that they didn't buy there...etc, they just don't look like they belong. They have nice looking skin, their hair is well kept, they smell of decent cologne/ just have to wonder what they are going at Wal-Mart.
I guess they start to stick out to me now because of all of the rest of the people that I see in there all of the time. Most of them look like they just got out of bed. Most of them look like they might even have a spot for themselves picked out to sleep in over in the sporting good and camping supplies area. These people literally spend hours at the store and these families will actually 2-way phone radio each other while they are shopping.
I really wish that I didn't have to shop there, but I guess I go there for the same reason that everyone else does- the price.
I say shop if you must, but please for the love of sanity don't spend too much time there. It will ultimately somehow alter you genetically.
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