I am not really one to consider myself to be an artist of any type, but this depression stuff brings out some experimenation in me.

This one is called "Repentance of Judas"

This one is called "The Natural Condition Of The Heart"
The first piece was with oil pastels, and the second and third ones were with pastel chalks.
To quote a man I detest, I feel your pain.
I'm just coming out of the backside of my latest bout with the big D (and I don't mean Dallas!) I feel for you when you say you're short with your daughter. My wife and kids, God bless them, bear the brunt of my anger over the depression and the root cause of it...me! I have asked their forgiveness and an grateful and thankful that they've forgiven as has God.
I say this not to brag or one-up you but to let you know we suffer these things for a little while. Do a search in the Bible for that phrase, a little while. Paul and Christ have some wonderful thoughts on this issue of suffering a little while.
You choose smokes....I choose beer. Although my 6-pack will probably last two months! (Scotch ale packs a 6% alcohol by volume punch...I'm out of practice so I'm a bit of a lightweight these days!)
Be prayin' for you man.
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