One of the greatest movies

What makes it so great? Is it that it pretty much sums up High School for every generation? I think so. Sure the clothes and music might be different, but I can think of about 10 people that I went to High School with right off hand that this movie made me think about.
Maybe the funniest thing about the movie is that there is a little bit of Napolean in all of us. Ultimately, I think that we are all really geeks down deep inside, but some people it is just more subtle.
I have often debated with myself as to whether or not I really want to go to any of my class reunions. I don't know that I am really all that interested in what everyone else has gone on to do with themselves. It seems like more than anything that they are just opportunities for bragging about accomplishments. But I also suppose that there is a dark side of me that wants to go just so I can see how the "cool" people turned out to just be "normal" geeks like all the rest of us. The football jocks that have now turned into Fundraisers for some company, or the Student Council President that finished college at an Ivy League school who is now working at Starbucks.
On the other hand it will be nice to see all the geeks who actually became something.
What about showing off your trophy wife? lol
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