Monday, February 06, 2006

Mixed Feelings

So tonight my wife and I made a late night rendezvous to Wal-Mart to get some milk, an iron on patch, and a pregnancy test. Yes, that's right- I said an iron on patch.

You see, my wife has been kind of [well, pretty] moody lately. We still think that a lot of it is post pardum issues. She is taking medication for that [uh yeah, pray for the kids. Both mom and dad are popping pills] and we are not sure if it is working. So her other suspicion was that she was pregnant. The test came back negative; and with that came mixed feelings.

On the one hand it was kind of disappointing because I love kids. We want to have a reasonable sized family. We figured we'd start by having 3 kiddos and then see what happened after that. So if she would have been pregnant we wouldn't have been disappointed. And then you all remember the little phrase that Randy Travis made so popular- but on the other hand...

We were also really relieved to find out that we weren't expecting. If we were, then that would mean that by the time she delivered our daughter would be 3 and our son 1. That would be a huge handful for us...Especially having 2 kids in diapers at once. We aren't so much concerned really with keeping a particular span of time betwixt each munchkin, but just the thought of the extra stress right now would have been more than we were ready for. Thank our lucky contraceptives.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I just got an idea, you can hire me as your concubine, then WE can use contraceptives. LOL!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 12:34:00 AM  

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