Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Monday

Well, it's Monday. I guess the Steelers won the Super Bowl. I watched it yesterday off and on with my Dad. For some reason, he really got into it this year. I have never seen him into football that much. He was even talking "stats" and "spreads" with my brother-in-law yesterday like he knew what he was talking about. How bizarre.

I watched the game just because I like to watch a good football game from time to time. I don't have any favourites. I just like a good game.

It was kind of sad though because we were also having a little "party" for my Grandma before she heads down to Florida for the rest of the winter. She brought a friend from church with her and we had sandwiches and jello and corn. I love jello. It was really frustrating though because my parents don't get to see my kids as often as my wife's parents do. And when they do get to see them I just don't feel like they seem to enjoy it as much.

I mean, Dad was busy with the game. Mom was busy doing her thing...but it was nice that my daughter got to play with my sister's boy. They don't often get to do that and they seemed to have a good time together. It was pretty funny though; yesterday my nephew went down for a nap, and then we put my daughter down too. Our son was already napping, so my wife and I decided to head off for a "quick date" by walking around a new small town that they call a mall by my folk's house. It was good for just the two of us to spend some time together and get some excercise...but when we got back to my parent's we found that our daughter essentially hadn't slept a wink. Thankfully she did OK for the rest of the night though and on the way home, she fell asleep pretty quickly in the van.

She was up pretty early this morning though, I think the first time she got up was around 6:30. We told her to go back to her room and play with her toys until later. So she did...until about 7:15 and then she wanted to get up for the day. Well, I had originally planned on going into work today, but I was pretty slow getting around and after a little while I felt light headed and almost fell over a couple of times so I figured that it would be safest if I worked from home.

So when I really looked at my daughter after she was dressed she looked like she had these pretty good sized bags under her eyes. We asked if she was tired and she said no. [This was around 9 am] So I headed up to my "office" upstairs that my wife was so considerate enough to put together for me for when I work from home, and proceeded to do some work.

The next thing I know it is about 12:15 and my wife comes up and says "you've got to come down for lunch so you can see something funny." So I went down and my daughter was out cold at the table. She had apple sauce and yogurt on her face on top of that. Apparently since about 10:30 this morning she had been asking my wife if she could go to bed. I just thought that was pretty comical. She is usually pretty energetic, but I guess yesterday wore her out.

So I suppose that was probably the best part of yesterday; her getting to play with her cousin. Other than that, I just felt like we went to my folk's and did nothing. I feel like it is different if we go to my wife's folks and do nothing, because I feel like even if we're doing nothing we are still doing something; like talking or playing a game or resting...the kids get attention and we get a break. Not so with my family.

So maybe we could have stayed home, or just gone home after Grandma's gig was done, but I guess it was good for the kids, and that's all that really mattered in the end.

But for today, I am "working" from home- well, I haven't really done much of anything since there hasn't been much to do. The Mrs. and I have had some good time together today though. That is one thing that I do like about being around here and not at work.

Tonight my daughter and I are going to finish making some cookies together. She just loves to help out in the kitchen...and I love her helping.


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