Al Mohler on Larry King Live talking about Brokeback Mountain

Personally I will probably not see the movie Brokeback Mountain but that is primarily because I have only heard that as a movie, it just sucked. [no pun intended] I'm not really a big fan of cowboy movies anyways. But what I am even less of a fan of are the talking heads like D. James Kennedy, Pat Robertson, James Dobson, Al Mohler and the likes that seem to be on this anti-gay trail that they want to make sure that everyone sees them running on.
Don't get me wrong; I am not in favour of same sex marriages or even the gay lifestyle because I know what the Bible has to say about it; but I am also not going to be over in this little holy corner that only sees homosexuality and secular humanism as the only "mortal" sins in the eyes of God.
The Bible has to say much about just about any sin that man could come up with and incidentally it mentions homosexuality far less than other sins such as idolatry, slander, pride, jealousy, greed, etc. But what I find amazing about these guys who feel that it is their Christian responsibility to champion these causes against such activities is that even though we are reading the same Bible (supposedly) I don't see anywhere in it any kind of call to "speak out" on the subject in the way that these guys do.
They keep referring to this "War In America" over the issue. I don't really think that it's as big of a war as they say that it is. I think that I heard somewhere that the actual percentage of gay and lesbian people in America is somewhere between 1-3%. That is such a small number and I don't think that the number has really actually inflated much over the last 100 or so years. I think that it is just that as we evolve socially as a country and more people are trying to attain their rights that the minorities have just become more outspoken about it. But personally I don't feel threatened by it one bit. I think that for the most part the only thing that these people want is their freedom. I don't have to agree with it, but shouldn't they have the same "natural" rights as everyone else? I'm not advocating it, but I do think that it is a fair question.
I know that there are also many out there who would like to argue that if we allow gays to get married then the next thing that will come is beastiality and incest and all that stuff...but again, much of that stuff is already happening and it is only going on with such a small percentage of people. Why? Because the stuff is just plain weird. It only seems to become a bigger issue when the activists take the little things and then blow them up as big as they do.
Laws and protests don't change people's hearts. I'm not advocating that people should be able to do whatever the hell they want to whenever they want...but I do think that perhaps we'd all be better off if we just minded our own business and stop trying to speak on Christ's behalf when he himself didn't even really talk about it.
right on. I've seen it, thought it ran too long. I predict that once summer's blockbusters fill the silver screens BBM will be left in the dust.
Oddly, Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil and Philadelphia were on satelite tv last night and I watched them as there really wasn't else to watch except for uhhh the 700 Club. Point is, those movies caused the same stir when they came out, now they're mostly forgotten in both the liberal pushers and the conservatives.
It's interesting to read others' comments on the review of BBM on relevant's website and I also had to visit plugged in for a few chuckles (although, I had to agree with the author's description of the plot, positives, and negatives, yet his conclusions were clearly biased).
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