An almost lost show

I know that the show by today's standards is really lame. You have a bunch of country bumpkins from Hazzard County wherever who don't seem to do much but have a lot of time on their hands. Uncle Jesse runs a supposed car repair shop but yet he and the kids all live out on a "farm."
Then you've also got the constant cigar smoker Boss Hogg. The guy just lights up wherever he feels like. At one time that was acceptable, but not anymore it seems. And what's up with his white suit? He even wore it after Labour Day if my memory serves me right.
Bo and Luke use their brains and their muscle car which is virtually indestructable. I mean, I have never seen a car that has been able to make such insane jumps look so easy. I know that for the filming that they had to have REALLY loaded down the trunk to keep the car in the air like that. And the suspension on the car had to be absolutely unbelievable.
Daisy is always able to work her womanly charm. No matter where she goes all she has to do is speak real sweet and bat her eyelashes and all the men fall head over heals in love. I had heard at one point that the actress who played her (Catherine Bach) had taken out a really large insurance policy on her legs. Well, times have changed. She isn't quite the skinny little tease that she used to be; but then again, we're talking about Daisy Duke 20 years ago. I guess a lot can happen between now and then.
At any rate, even though the show might not be on par with today's CSI, Law & Order, Cops, or even Walker Texas Ranger they were just some "good 'ole boys, never meanin' no harm."
If it's been a while go back into the archives. Sit back and enjoy the ride.
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