Sunday, February 12, 2006

Finally some sun

It is Sunday at almost 15:30. I noticed a little earlier that we are finally seeing some sunshine, but it is still butt cold outside. I let the dog out and saw the steam coming out of her nose as she paced the front porch.

The kids are asleep. This morning my daughter and I put the finishing touches on her "Balentime's" cards that we are sending out to the family. She's fun to watch make stuff like that. My wife wrote some stuff on them for her and then we gave her the markers and colours to sit back and work her magic.

This morning we had to use some soap on her. We were sitting and watching the new Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were Rabbit movie. During the flick she piped up and asked "Are those the bad guys?" We said yes. She responded by saying "aaawwwweee damn." She's been saying that a lot lately. She must have heard it on TV or something. Usually the only "swear word" that we allow is only in the context of diarhea when we call it "the shits." That's a family thing though, imported from my wife's side. That's the only time and context that she says it though.

This afternoon my wife and I watched the movie Domino. It was pretty good. It is a longer movie but it keeps you involved as a participant. It was a very different role for Keira Knightly but I think that she did it well.

We skipped out on church this morning. The kids are still kind of sick and we don't want to get anyone else sick. Besides that, my medication had me pretty sleepy for a good share of the morning.

One thing was different this morning though. Usually on the mornings that we skip church, I still peruse the local stations on TV looking for the Sunday morning used car salesman preachers. Sometimes I just like to listen and take note off all the different points of BS that they are feeding to the sheeple. I know, it's kind of sick but like I said; I didn't do it today. Lately I have kind of decided to "remove" myself from listening to or watching the religious media. It seems like when I do drop in I all hear about is either politics or how to get something from God, or how to be more spiritual than anyone else. I used to listen to the Calvary Sattelite Network a lot, but lately I find that all it is are preachers preaching opinions and meandering sermons that don't really go anywhere.

I feel like lately, I believe in God and Jesus and the Bible...but I just wonder how much of what we see today is really real; and what the original intent behind the Christian writings really were. So much has been removed from the picture. Some say that what we have has been divinely preserved by God, some believe that there is more. I guess that either position ultimately boils down to faith.

Anymore, I guess I don't even really call myself a "Christian." I would rather just be known as a follower of Christ. Unfortunately though today the line that separates the two is so difficult to see. I personally think that if Jesus or Paul were to just show up on the scene today that we would crucify them all over again like they did the first time around.

So I guess that begs the question: How seriously do I take my faith. I guess sometimes it is really seriously, but then other times I have to try and separate whether I am taking my faith seriously or taking myself seriously. It is often difficult to discern.

I guess it is kind of like arguing the issue of justice. Some believe that it truly exists. Others believe that there is no such thing; only either forgiveness or revenge. I don't know where I stand, but I also don't feel like I necessarily have to stand anywhere on it.

That's all for now I guess.


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