The Bible In Public Schools

I saw this morning on the NBC Morning Show a story about how the state of Georgia is taking legislative action to try and include the Bible as a textbook in the public schools. Apparently in the Georgia public High Schools there is an elective course in Comparative Religion. I think that the report said that there are around 40, 000 students in the school system and typically only about 800 students even elect to take the class.
The Christian Coalition is pushing for the Bible to be included as a textbook in this class and I will have to say that in this particular case that I would have to side with them. Their argument is that if one were going to be studying the Constitution then it would be more informative to actually read the document itself rather than a book written about it. They argue that the same case is true with the Bible; better to read the actual thing than another book about it.
Some students have no problem with this seeing that there can be important historical/socialogical/religious information that can be gleamed about Christianity from the Bible and welcome it into the class.
My opinion is that if they are going to offer a class like this then by all means, bring it in. But if it were math, science, history, literature...keep it on the shelf.
Apparently Kansas and one other state are also pushing their legislatures to do the same.
Ironically, if it was the Qu'ran getting into public schools, the ACLU would be all over it in support.
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