Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What a day

I actually did some real work today. I got an assignment from my boss; a "project" so now I have something to keep me more consistently busy. I guess that is nice because it keeps me occupied and out of trouble.

I took off from work @ noon today to have lunch with a friend of mine. Good times, good conversation. We talked about addictions. We had both been listening to Glenn Beck on the way to lunch in our cars. He had people call in and confess their secrets. One lady called in and said that she had just gotten over a heroine addiction. Instead of injecting it like most people do she snorted it. She said that her habit was about $100 a day. Another guy called in and said that he was addicted to porn and would spend $800-1000 a week on it. I have no idea where he would get the money to do that kind of thing but nevertheless, it is an awful addiction.

Then we discussed some theology which is always interesting. We ended up talking about prophecy and eschatology, which I will someday soon blog about here and reveal some of my views about the subject.

I then made the drive home since I knew that I would have an hour to be able to spend with my wife before I had to go to my doctor's appointment. We were just watching some TV and then I dozed off. I felt kind of bad but I was pretty tired.

So she woke me up @ 4 so I could head off to my 4:20 appointment. I got there and talked to the doctor and he said that he wanted me to stay on the Lexapro and also seek some counseling. I have been down the road of counseling many times before and I'm not trying to be arrogant but I just don't think I need counseling. I know what the contributing stresses in my life are, but I don't know that I can do anything about them. Not to mention I don't even know how much the counseling sessions would be or how much they would cost. So he wrote me a prescription and sent me on my way. Only a follow up visit at a later time "as needed."

So I headed down the street to the carnival known as Wal-Mart to get my prescription filled. They said that it would take about 15 minutes so I decided to head back to the electronics department and see what all they had going on back there. I had to admit that I coveted many of the items that I saw; especially this really nice 32" widescreen HDTV. The picture was so clear. I could spend hours watching movies on that thing. But it was somewhere around $900 and I just don't have the cash, or the desire to spend that much for a tube.

When I figured that enough time had passed I headed back up to the white coats to pick up my pills. The lady asked if I had a new insurance card so I gave it to her. She then disappeared over to where pharmasists go when they disappear and was gone for a little bit. Then she came back and told me that the cost after insurance for a month's worth of pills was $74. I about had to have them call for a clean up at the counter from me dropping a deuce in my pants. 74 bones is alot for this disciple to shell out for some small pills. So I discussed my "alternatives" with the lady who was very sympathetic to my perdicament. She said that if I really needed them then I should get them, otherwise they would hold them for me until I got the green.

I told her to just "hold" it for me. So I then walked away and delved into my self-contained think tank and figured that a much cheaper route would be to pick up some St. John's Wort [whoever thought of that name anyways] and some Valeria Root. I know that the Wort is supposed to "help promote a positive mood" and the Valeria is supposed to help keep you calm and help you sleep at night. So I figured that a consistent dose of those coupled with regular excercise would be just what this doctor ordered.

So, I don't know if it is the right thing to do, but I am weaning myself off the Lexapro and am going to try and take a more natural approach. If it doesn't work then I'll go to another doctor to get another opinion.

I know that I have an issue that I want help for; but I also know that the pharmaceutical industry is also out to make some hefty cash. What's a guy to do?


Blogger Cooper said...

I'm a skeptic when it comes to Rx Drugs. I have mild depressions, and yesterday the doc discussed drugs and side effects. "With the newer drugs, a few people have felt 'disconnected', not like an out of body experience but that they were just out there." My eyes lit up. Sounds like smoking pot, I thought. I would love to get my hands on that stuff. Savage has written some books about herbal remedies and he hates prescription drugs and flu vaccinations. egad!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006 12:32:00 PM  

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