This time it's only about 2 or 3 weeks since I have blogged. Life has been so busy. I just feel worn out. I feel like I need about a 2 week nap.
It always seems like the summer months have the most going on. Between work, the kids, my wife, house chores, yard chores, family events and the rest there is just hardly any time to stop and breathe.
Work has been really frustrating. I won't get into all the details as to what I do now, but I'll just say that even though I am often at work for more than 8 hours a day, I just don't feel like I get anything done. Projects come and stay, deadlines come and go and there is just way too much on my whole department's plate. We all feel the constant pressure and there is seemingly no relief in sight.
My daughter will be 3 in a few weeks. She has grown up so much. We are having a lot of fun with her, but she is definitely in the tumultuous threes.
Spiritually things have been rough. I am going through another one of those times where the image of God is just blurry. Maybe it is because I listen to too much religious broadcasting. It is just so confusing to me how so many people can claim to possess the truth, and yet each of their versions are all so different. It just makes me feel like any time I come close to arriving at a certain conclusion about a matter that the harsh reality of my opinion being just on more in the barrell just makes it all seem futile. Lately I've listened to debates between Calvinists and Arminians, Open and Closed Theists, Classical and Process Theologians, and the list goes on and on. They all seem to be talking about different gods that just don't match up in any way. I just wonder why, if there is an absolute truth out there, why so many people differ on what exactly it is.
I really don't want to make this entry so short, but I have to for a few reasons-
- It is now past midnight. I am surprised that I am still up. It is late and I am exhausted.
- My back hurts and this setup that I have with where my chair is in relationship to my monitor is really uncomfortable. I am trying to sit up straight while I type as to somehow help improve my posture but it just isn't working.
- My brain is fried. I am thinking about the weekend already and how we have 2 family reunions thiis weekend. They are both in Des Moines so that means that we will be spending Saturday night with my folks and I don't really like to do that but it beats driving back home just to go back the next day.
Adios for now.
I saw Wolf Creek the other week, it's worth a viewing. I had to see The Da Vinci Code just because of all the hype it's stirring on the History Channel. They've been programming numerous documentarys about it and the authorship of the Bible and the history of the cannon--all baised from a liberal theological point-of-view. This has really bunked in what I believe, not so much as to what I had learned from getting a degree in "Bible", but just that how the world presents Christianity and it's 'traditional' beliefs. It really is an assault in that they haven't bothered with the theologians and Church historians who may have a much clearer answer/explanation to their rebuttal.
Right now, I am unsure if I want
to be identified as a Christian because too many believers don't have the background they need to defend their faith other than declaring the Bible is the "Word of God" which the world has already debunked.
The weekend janitor purposely told a woman that Jesus was "bald-haired" which she furiously said that was sacrilegious. That may not be the right reaction. He said later that people put faith/love in something unseen and, on the other hand, hate/despise their fellow man which is seen.
So...you got a blurry God? Me too. Actually, I think we see him clearly most of the time, it's just when we try to see Him through the haze of "religion" or other peoples image of Him that He get's all blurry.
BTW...your sunburn story was a hoot! Not to laugh at your pain but...been there...done that! Red Sea...1979. Snorkeling for 4 hours...no shirt.
Yeah...sunburns hurt!
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