Bats are annoying

I know that they are not really harming anything; I just hate having them in my house. I know from experience that they are not that hard to deal with. In fact, they are very docile and can be picked up if you are wearing leather gloves. [well, you could pick them up even without gloves but I wouldn't want to risk it in case one chose to bite and it had rabies or another infectious disease].
One day I'm going to get a BB Gun and go up in my attic and lay down the law.
I like having them around in the summer since they eat mosquitos and other bugs....but I would just rather they stayed outside! I gave them 2 bat houses up on the south side of my garage that they could use; but no. they prefer my attic.
Labels: annoyances, bats
Winged mammallian bastards need to learn their place.
dang straight
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